All posts by Leonardo Chiariglione

MPEG liaisons

MPEG has has common projects with a number of other organisations. Those in normal are completed, those in italic under way and those underlined are planned. The first column gives the entity with which collaboration was/is/will be entertained. The second column gives the date of

MPEG and international standardisation

Standards have a special place in industry because they represent convergence points where the parties involved, who typically are in competition, find it convenient to agree on a single solution. Standards bodies exists at the international level: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for matters related to telecommunication

A SWOT analysis for MPEG

A Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis has been carried out using the following parameters. 1.              Scope of standards 2.              Use of standards 3.              Membership 4.              Structure 5.              Communication 6.              Leadership 7.              Process to develop standards 8.              Capability to innovate 9.              Client industries 10.           Liaison/collaboration 11.           Business model