Category Archives: Mpeg Future

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How to join MPAI

About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   While the MPAI Secretariat is being established, interested parties should contact Leonardo Chiariglione  

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Operation of MPAI

About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   Procedures of work of IPR Support Advisory Group (IPR SAC) GA Resolves to develop a new Technical Specification (TS), Sends to the Board of Directors (BD) Terms of Reference of Development Committee (DC) to be established

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Statutes of MPAI

About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   This page contaons a shortened version of the Statutes. The full text is available here. Moving Picture coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is as an Swiss not-for-profit association whose seat is in Geneva. The Members can

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About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   This pages contains a shortened version of the Statutes. The full text is available here. Moving Picture coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is as a not-for-profit association whose seat is in Geneva. The Members can by

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About MPAI

About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   Moving Picture coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is a not-for-profit organisation with the mission to promote the efficient use of Data by developing Technical Specifications of Compression/decompression Formats for any type of Data, especially using new

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About Why MPAI Statutes Operation How to join   This is the home page of Moving Picture coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI), an international not-for-profit organisation with the mission to promote the efficient use of Data by developing Technical Specifications of Compression Formats for any